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DownloadIf you already have a BIM model but are unclear about its quality or want additional detail added to it, we may undertake our in-depth BIM auditing process for you, in which BIM models are subjected to our strict quality checks to ensure that they satisfy industry standards.
Our in-house team can look for and identify any missing components or materials from the model, assisting you in resolving any issues ahead of time. We may also assist in the detection of defects and exceptions in models created by various design teams. This would assist minimize costly rework by verifying that components of both models are same.
We can assist you in validating your BIM models at various stages of a project. This audit procedure ensures that your BIM model produces trustworthy output data and, as a result, generates accurate and relevant results.
The 3D BIM models generated in Revit or another software are converted into a viewer that allows us to walk through the modelled facility in real time while also highlighting any inconsistencies. The appropriate team members can then access these noted inconsistencies for further correction.
The Clash detection procedure, which is run using Navisworks on the prepared 3D BIM model, adds an added layer of information to the auditing process that a visual inspection could miss. The report’s conflicts let us to go to the precise spot and look at the problem from every angle, allowing us to note any design modifications that are needed at those specific locations.
The file nomenclature is critical for storing BIM files on a centralized platform and making the file name as complete as feasible. The file nomenclature is established in advance, either at the start of the project or in the BEP. These processes are developed with the goal of facilitating communication and coordination among the many stakeholders engaged in the project, as well as accessing project files by standardizing them across the whole project.
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